Crotona Fellowship Reviews
Below are just a few testimonials from our clients who have
experienced the great results of our premium spell casting service.
Your spell worked and brought him back to me. You gave me support when I was feeling hopeless. I feel truly blessed to have found your site.
I sincerely hope others will take that leap of faith and let you help them as you have helped me!
Thank you for your magic, it has changed my life!
I don't want to make the details public, suffice to say god bless your soul for the wonderful gift. I’ve had the best night of my life last night! Stregata, I think that she is addicted to me now! She keeps calling me... and I love it! Thanks for your magic gift.
She was shy at first but kept gazing at me from across the café. She finally came over and confessed that she was so attracted to me, she couldn’t help it and managed the courage to asked me out. Is this love spell a dream? You have done it. Please just don't let her find out about your love spell! 😏 Thank you so much!
I am happy to let you know thanks to your spell Last night I had a dream but only remembered 5 lotto numbers anyway in the dream I was questioned how I got the winning numbers to win $30 million dollars and the ticket I bought was rejected for some reason.
When I played the numbers, I won $14,000.00. My heart was racing so fast, it was incredible. After this substantial win, our lives have been totally transformed and are full of love... You said it would come right and it did. The reality is infinitely greater than the dream.
You have literally turned my life around for me, as you said you would! My woman and I are marrying next month - she's so wonderful - I have a great new job, our house is beautiful... I am going to recommend you to everyone I know, and then they too can find happiness.
Thanks a bunch, I will never forget what you have done for me, I mean, for us.
Just as you said I would, I am now reunited with the person I love. I am happier than I've ever been as I can now look to an amazing future with the person I thought I'd lost for good. Thank you and God bless.
Dear Gloria, I wanted to let you know that since the spell was further cast by me (with your wonderful direction) I have a better outlook on life, more positive attitude, I started school part-time to become a paralegal, I qualify for all kinds of grants because I am a single mother, and I am in the process of maybe getting a part-time send me the offer letter, they called me now I need to see the letter. Which should be coming any day now. 😀
The only thing left is a love relationship, but mainly I feel as if a heavy load has been taken off of me, after the last 2 years of h*** and being on Government assistance, I have such a great outlook on life now and I am not so afraid of life, or people's rejection of me for whatever reason. I feel "light" if this makes any sense, I'm even losing weight now. YAY! Thank you! 💗 💗 💗
Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about using a spell but I was absolutely shocked when my lawyer called me after I had you guys cast the "money spell" for me. It wasn't 24 hours that I had my spell cast that he called me.
I was broke just month ago and now I just put a deposit to build my new two story home. Thank you all!
Mr Lee is the best caster and I have had hundreds. He is more than brilliant, he has actually saved my life and put me on a clear path where others could have destroyed it. Please pass on my gratitude from my spirit and soul to this man who has literally saved me from a path of doom and actually saved my light, my love and my path.
How can I give thanks to him for that, I cannot but the universe can. I wish him all the happiness, protection and spiritual masters around him at all times. He is generous of time and spirit but I believe that is because he is evolved. Much love to you Gloria. I had to let people know how much this means to me. Love, light and much protection to you all.
Thank you so much Gloria. When I released the spell I felt tremendous heat from the seal and faint voices although there was nobody there and it was near midnight which was strange. Last night I went out but he wasn't there so I was disappointed.
This morning I felt upset wondering where he might have been but then a light switched itself on in my bedroom by itself so I'm hoping this was a sign from spirit saying that everything is going to be okay and not to give up hope. I've left you some positive feedback on Ebay. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Best wishes.
Gloria, I just wanted to say thank you soooo much for the time that you and Alexander took with me in helping me to get John back. Through it all, you were there for me and helped me to get him back. God has truly blessed you with a very special gift. Never give up and always continue to follow Gods light as you have been and things will continue to look up for you. I have been blessed and I am grateful that God put you in my path.
As I promised from my first e-mail here is my testimonial. I told you I would write it once I got my wife to stop the divorce and come back to me. This may be a little late but I still want others to know what has happened with my spell.
Since about 1 month ago the changes in my life that his spell has made for me have been amazing to say the least.
In one word, I am flabbergasted!
Oh my lordy Lee, I GOT TERRY BACK. 😺 I'm so excited, It only took a week and a half for him to come home. Bless divinity and bless God! I must be dreaming as I never thought he would be back to me after all this time. I am so shocked and just can't believe my eyes. 😻
Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dear Lynn, Here the updated as you have requested on my situation. I have had amazing things happen during the first week of my casting. Jason has done a 180 and is now talking with me and wanting to spend time with me again.
I can't believe after all that has happened he actually turned around and divorced his wife. Its AMAZING! You are like a god send, an angel in my life. What can I say. Veronica and him just split up for good and he is wanting now to be with me.
We went out last night and he confessed his love for me and the love told me how much he wanted to be with me. I still can not believe that he has turned around like this. I am in shock. He was so dead set on staying in bad marriage and not wanting to leave his wife that I could not see it turning around.
You know you were my last hope. After getting scammed by many other spell casters that just wanted my money I am glad that I put my faith in just one more person. I am in your debt for a life time!
What can I say but ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! The spell did just as it said it would to the tee and even more. :)
You are underestimating your spells my friend as they are more like miracles from Divinity. Blessing be with you and yours throughout life...
You must be an angel on earth to be able to turn my love around!
I prayed for this day for so long. I am so greatful for your magick and your ability to call for the Angels to help me. Without your blessed powers I would never been so happy. I will recommend you to all my friends.
Bless you and you co-workers for the help I gained. My debts are gone and my lover decided to return!
Gloria, you are truly working with a number of world-leading spell casters. I think, they are not just spell casters, but more like spiritual communicator, to assist us with the self-growth, and self-development. Thank you for taking your time to help others.
The words to express the gratitude to you for the successful spell casting are to great to write down. I wouldn't even know how to express the gratitude for now having the second chance at love and life again. These are the types of things that money can't buy and people can't describe. Your work is amazing from the very first step to the results. Being there for me when ever I needed you and giving me advice along the way. Its just a miracle that I found you and God pointed me in your direction. More people should know of your work and how wonderful it works and has worked for me! Again, thank you for everything and I have referred a couple of friends to you.
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